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FireFly Farms Wins 3 Medals at the 2023 World Cheese Awards

Firefly Farms Seal
Word Cheese Awards

MountainTop, Merry Goat Round, and the recently re-launched Carpenter’s Wheel all took home bronze medals at the October World Cheese Awards. “MountainTop is FireFly’s most award-winning cheese, and this medal only confirms what we already knew: it’s an American Original that’s here to stay,” said Dan Porter, head cheesemaker at FireFly’s creamery in Accident, MD.

Merry Goat Round is one of FireFly’s flagship cheeses, a delicious brie-style pure goat’s milk cheese that has a tendency to convert “non-goat-milk” people into goat cheese fanatics.

Last but not least, Carpenter’s Wheel, the first wheels of which just emerged from Murray’s Caves in October, is already showing that its creamy, nutty charisma can speak for itself. And the beautiful label doesn’t hurt either! Carpenter’s Wheel is now available online and in New York City at Murray’s Cheese. MountainTop and Merry Goat Round can be ordered right on our website or purchased at our retail store in Accident, MD.

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