Cave Dweller

You can’t rush something this good. It takes our Cave Dweller eight-to-twelve months to develop its sweet and sharp flavor. Made in the “Italian style,” the curd is “cooked” and stirred in its whey, making it first denser and harder then nuttier and more complex with each passing day.

Product ships in a 1/2lb wedge

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Cave Dweller

You can’t rush something this good. It takes our Cave Dweller eight-to-twelve months to develop its sweet and sharp flavor. Made in the “Italian style,” the curd is “cooked” and stirred in its whey, making it first denser and harder then nuttier and more complex with each passing day.

Product ships in a 1/2lb wedge


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Firefly Farms Cave Dweller Cheese


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The Fable

Our premier Italian-style cheese takes its own sweet time.

In the beginning, we tried to haul the summer’s harvest of cheese wheels down the mountain before the snows came in too heavy. It was dangerous work. Our sleighs, drawn by our loyal sheepdogs, overloaded with heavy wheels of good alpine cheeses, would flounder in the deep snowdrifts that, by October, were already covering the mountain passes. Finally, one year, we realized we wouldn’t make it. With heavy hearts we locked a whole summer’s worth of milk in one of the mountain caves, and headed down into the valley emptyhanded. But when spring came and we unsealed the cave, we realized that something beautiful had happened. A gentle rind had formed in the damp of the cave and our big wheels were better than they ever had been! Since that day, we only age in caves, saving the journey down the mountain for the spring.

Our fresh goat milk is first pasteurized and cooled. Then vegetarian rennet is added and the milk is allowed to set. We cut it into a very fine curd, which we cook in its whey at a moderately high heat. Once put into molds, the cheese is pressed and flipped frequently to release excess whey.

After brining in its first 24 hours, the young wheels are sealed to prevent excess moisture loss and put into our largest aging room where they are left to dwell quietly for months Imagine a goat’s milk version of Italian-Alpine style, cooked curd cheeses. Now stop imagining and try it!

Pasteurized Goat Milk, Salt, Enzymes, Calcium Chloride, Cheese Cultures

This product contains milk, and FDA-designated “big-8” allergen. Note that in January 2023, the big-8 allergens become the big-9 with the addition of sesame.

Firefly Farms Seal
Cave Dweller


  • Allow a minimum of half an hour at room temperature prior to serving
  • Try pairing with a Sauvignon Blanc or a late-harvest Riesling with candied nuts or a fruit jam
  • Grate on pasta, melt on pizza or in a gourmet Mac & Cheese
Goat Illustration
Goat Illustration
Cow Illustration
Cow Illustration

Tasting Notes

Dense, sharp and nutty with a subtle sweetness.

Similar to parmesan, pecorino or asiago with a pleasant goat’s milk flavor.

Versatile and approachable with notes of sweet caramel.

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